• 최종편집 2024-05-13(월)

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  • Evonik Korea establishes strategic partnership with CARIMA and BREEZM
    Evonik Korea establishes strategic partnership with CARIMA and BREEZM     Evonik Korea, CARIMA and BREEZM signed a Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) for strategic cooperation in Seoul, Korea. Mr. Thomas Choi, Korea Cluster Head, Mr. Kwangmin Kim, Vice President of CARIMA and Mr. Wooseok Sung, President of BREEZM, signed the relevant documents on behalf of the three parties. According to MoU, Evonik Korea will deepen cooperation and continue developing proper photopolymer resins. Furthermore, it will be a momentum to speed up the development of DLP 3D printing technology including photopolymer resins.    
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  • 산업계 및 NGO 단체, 동물대체시험 협력조직(ICCS) 설립
    한국무역협회     전 세계 35 개 이상의 화장품 제조업체, 산업 단체 및 동물보호단체는 동물대체시험(비동물시험) 촉진을 목적으로 하는 ‘화장품안전국제협력(International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety, ICCS)‘ 조직을 설립했다. 뉴욕에 사무소를 두고 있는 글로벌이니셔티브 ICCS 는 화장품, 퍼스널케어 및 그 성분에 대한 동물대체 안전성평가 채택을 위해 자금을 지원하며, 동물대체시험 가속화를 위한 규제기관에 대한 압력이 증가하는 가운데 설립됐다. 2월 8일 발표된 ICCS 의 목표는 아래와 같다. - 비동물시험 안전성 평가방법 평가 및 개발 - 평가결과 규제기관과 공유 - 비동물시험의 채택 가속화를 위한 산업계 교육 및 훈련 제공 유럽화장품협회(Cosmetics Europe)에 따르면, 이미 많은 프로젝트가 ICCS 를 통해 진행되고 있으며, 최근 미국은 개인위생용품에 대한 대부분의 동물실험을 단계적으로 중단하는 의회 권고 및 화장품 법안이 채택된 바 있다. 캐나다 정부 또한 신규물질에 대한 동물실험을 줄이기 위한 규제 개정을 검토하고 있으며, 캐나다화장품협회(Cosmetics Alliance Canada, CAC)는 2023년 동물대체세계대회(Animal Alternatives World Congress)를 개최할 예정이다. [출처: Chemical Watch]
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  • 하천 내 반려동물 운동·휴식 편의시설 설치 하천법 일부개정법률안 대표발의
        더불어민주당 김회재 의원(전남 여수시을)은 13일 하천 내 반려동물 편의시설을 설치할 수 있도록 하는 내용의 '하천법 일부개정법률안'을 대표 발의했다. 현행법 상 하천구역에서 가축을 방목·사육하는 행위는 금지되어 있다. 그러나 반려동물 가구가 늘어남에 따라 반려동물과 함께 하천을 이용하는 사례가 많아, 이들을 위한 별도의 휴식 등 편의시설이 필요하다는 지적이다. 이에 김 의원은 개정안을 통해 하천구역 내 반려동물 운동·휴식시설을 설치할 수 있도록 규제 조항을 일부 완화했다. 또한 이용 급증에 따라 발생할 환경 오염을 예방하기 위해 오염 실태 주기적 검사, 오염 우려지역 조치 명령 등도 개정안에 포함했다. 국무조정실은 올해 2월 규제개혁신문고에 접수된 국민 건의 중 하천 내 소규모 반려동물 놀이터 등 설치를 대표 사례로 선정해, 2022년까지 법 개정을 추진하겠다 밝힌 바 있다. 김회재 의원은 “반려동물 천만 시대에 많은 시민이 반려동물과 함께 생활하고 있다. 시민과 함께하는 반려동물도 불편함이 없도록 규제를 완화할 필요가 있다”고 지적했다.
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  • '개 식용 문제 논의를 위한 위원회' 운영 연장
               '개 식용 문제 논의를 위한 위원회'는 2021년 12월 9일 출범 후 4월 현재까지 개 식용 문제 해결을 위한 논의를 진행해 왔다.   그동안 활발한 논의를 통하여 개 식용 종식이 시대적 흐름이라는 인식에 공감대를 이루는 성과가 있었으나 아직 합의에는 이르지 못해, 추가적인 논의를 위해 위원회 운영을 2개월 연장하기로 결정하였다.   위원회는 운영 초기부터 개 식용 문제에 대해 이해관계자 등 참여자들 간에 입장 차이가 커서 상호 이해의 폭을 넓히는 것에 중점을 두어 운영하였다.   이에 따라 개 식용 문제 논의에 활용하기 위해 식용 목적 개 사육 현황 등을 조사했으며, 이는 식용 목적 개 관련 통계 자료가 없었던 상황에서 정부가 처음으로 조사했다는 의미가 있다. 또한 개 식용 관련 국민의 인식을 알아보기 위한 설문조사를 실시하였다.   한편 갈등관리 전문기관을 통해 참여 위원과 관련 업계 종사자 등에 대한 심층면접을 실시하여 종식시기, 지원방안 등 그들의 관심 사항과 대립되는 입장을 정확히 진단하여 갈등을 해결하기 위해 노력하였다.     아울러 대만의 개 식용 종식 관련 현지 전문가와 국제 화상회의를 통해 ‘대만의 종식 사례’를 파악하는 등 공감의 폭을 넓혔으며, 이외에도 ‘개 식용 관련 위생적 문제점’, ‘현행법 체계’ 등에 대한 전문가 발표와 논의를 통해 개 식용과 관련한 현 상황을 진단하고 이해를 도모하였다.   참고로 정부는 2021년 11월 25일 국무총리 주재로 ‘국정현안점검조정회의’를 개최하여 '개 식용 문제에 대한 사회적 논의 추진 방향'을 논의하였으며, 그 결과 사회적 논의기구를 관련 동물보호단체, 육견업계, 전문가, 정부 인사 등 21명으로 구성하여 개 식용 문제를 논의하기로 한 바 있다.   정광호 위원장은 "위원회 운영의 기본 원칙인 합의 정신을 실현하기 위해 육견업계와 동물보호단체 등의 입장을 발표할 수 있는 기회를 부여하는 등 충분한 시간을 가지고 논의하는 방식으로 위원회를 운영했으며, 개 식용 종식이 시대적 흐름이라는 인식을 같이하는 성과를 거두었다”라고 강조하면서, "앞으로 그동안 쌓은 위원 간 신뢰와 공감대를 바탕으로 대타협을 도출하기 위해 최선을 다하겠다”라고 밝혔다.
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  • Safety is SKC Evonik Peroxide Korea’s best value.
    Safety is SKC Evonik Peroxide Korea’s best value.     SKC Evonik Peroxide Korea Co., Ltd. (SEPK) in Ulsan Petrochemical Industrial Complex, has achieved 15 times of accident-free goal.  SEPK, maintaining a stable growth in the domestic peroxide industry, declared the start of accident-free goal on December 12, 2003. With the declaration, it has emphasized that safety is the highest value that pursues the sustainable growth of the company and the happiness within the employee’s family. Then by encouraging voluntary participation and activeness of every employee, 15 times of accident-free goal have been achieved on February 19, 2022.   During that period, SEPK has successfully implemented large and various projects such as the triple increase in production capacity with stable operation. SEPK as the sole supplier of the peroxide applicable to HPPO (Hydrogen Peroxide Propylene Oxide) in the country, produces and supplies diverse products including the electronic grade peroxide home and abroad.    Thomas Choi, Representative Director of SEPK, said that Evonik Industries AG, the parent company of SEPK, is operating the system of Evonik Safety Award to ensure accident-free and SEPK won Evonik Emerald Safety Award zero loss time injuries for 25 years) for being accident-free until 2018 after the start-up of the plant in 1993.    Thus, the accident-free goal along with such company safety system has been instrumental in embedding a safety culture in employees and the way of daily life. Choi also added that employees have a strong will to reverify that they are the leader in the peroxide industry based on strong safety by winning Evonik Ruby Safety Award (zero loss time injuries for 30 years) in the near term in December 2023 and achieving 20 times of accident-free goal in November 2028.
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  • CEO Interview , Mr. Lee Seung Soo (CEO / Infineon technologies Korea)
    CEO Interview , Mr. Lee Seung Soo  (CEO / Infineon technologies Korea)   Interviewer : Alicia Song ( GEBS , Reporter) Interviewee : Mr. Lee Seung Soo  (CEO / Infineon technologies Korea) Reporter   (Hello Everyone, my name is Alicia Song and I am a reporter for GEBS, a foreign company news station in Korea.  I am also the Director of Public Relations at the KOFA. Today, I am honored to be joined with Mr.Lee Seung-Soo, the country manager of the Korean branch of Infineon Technologies)  (Hello Mr. Lee, first of all, thank you very much for accepting this interview.  I know that Infineon Technologies headquarters is based in Germany and Infineon Technologies Korea’s branch is located in Samseong-dong, Gannamgu, Seoul).  Would you please share with us an introduction about Infineon Technologies?) Mr. Lee Seung Soo  :  In the 2020 fiscal year (ending 30 September), Infineon reported revenue of more than €8.5 billion with a workforce of some 46,700 people worldwide. Following the acquisition of the US company Cypress Semiconductor Corporation in April 2020, Infineon is now a global top 10 semiconductor company. We play a key role in shaping a better future – with microelectronics that link the real and the digital world. Our semiconductors enable efficient energy management, smart mobility, as well as secure, seamless communications in an increasingly connected world. Infineon Technologies Korea is located in Samseong-dong, Gangnam and working around 240 employees. Also we set up the sales office in Daegu to provide qualified support for customers in South area. Major customers are Hyundai Motor group, Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics and Infineon Korea have ranked No.1 in Automotive semiconductor area.  Reporter   (Thank you for the introduction. Would you please describe what the organizational culture (OD & Culture) and ideal Talent Style of Infineon Technologies Korea is?) Mr. Lee Seung Soo  :   Infineon Korea respects Korean culture based on IFX head quarter’s structure. All employees are responsible for own work and we place a high value on exchanging necessary feedback each other. There’s a communication format called Leadership dialogue that not only the manager give feedback to the staffs, but the staffs also give feedback to their manager.  Infineon Korea is working on a campaign to call nickname instead of Korean title. We will continue this campaign to make more respectful and equal organizational culture.  Reporter   (Would you please outline the compensation & benefits (C&B) and HR (HRM) system of Infineon Technologies Korea?) Mr. Lee Seung Soo: Infineon Korea provides ‘Flexible spending account’ what employees can use this one like credit card anywhere, anytime. And we are constantly trying to offer the necessary program for employee’s wellness.  Infineon Korea operate global HR system stably. Managers have a performance evaluation with each employee frequently and we managing not only evaluation, but also various training program for employee’s development. Reporter   (How would you describe the labor-management culture of Infineon Technologies Korea?) Mr. Lee Seung Soo:  We have the labor-management council meeting quarterly. Council members from workers are collecting feedbacks regarding all of company life and they put it on the table in labor-management council meeting. All council members discuss new feedbacks and notice the conclusion quarterly.  Reporter   (Would you be able to inform us of any job position currently available at Infineon Technologies Korea or a position that is scheduled to be available in the second half of this year?) Mr. Lee Seung Soo:  Infineon Korea recruits experienced employee time to time. Please refer to the Infineon website for the details of recruiting. www.infineon.kr Reporter  -  (As a successful leader and CEO, it would be great if you could share some advice for working mothers who dream of becoming CEOs of foreign companies in the future?) Mr. Lee Seung Soo:  Most working mothers should take care of both their family and work. They are used to doing two things same time and they know how to use their time efficiently. To finish the work in time, concentration and sensitivity are required. As such, working mothers have many strengths.  I think it’s important to experience various positions in one field if you have a goal to become a CEO. For example, If you’re working as engineer you can try sales position, if you’re working as sales you can try marketing position. Make your unique career focusing on the position what enable to catch the big flow of company’s moving forward. I look forward to meeting many woman CEOs soon. Reporter -  (The world economy has been stunned since the Pandemic.  Would you please highlight some of the real difficulties that currently surround your company industry as well as the future outlook of the industry?) Mr. Lee Seung Soo:  As many people know already Automotive semiconductor supply issue is very serious now days. Semiconductors account for 18% of the total cost of automotive electronics in 2000 but it’s 40% in 2020. The demand has increased significantly but only few foundry companies produce automotive semiconductor because it’s not profitable. It’s expected to continue overeating of automotive semiconductors for a while due to great interest of autonomous driving, electric vehicles and COVID pandemic. To counteract this problem, Infineon is doing the best to find good solutions for our customers. Reporter -  (Lastly, as a mentor who contributes so much to his community, please share with us any wisdom you may have for young job seekers) Mr. Lee Seung Soo:  We are living in an era of rapid change and COVID pandemic has made it harder to get a job. But the economic is slowly recovering and I believe there are opportunities even though it’s a difficult situation. It’s late if you start preparing when the good opportunity happened. You should decide the direction you want to go and make the qualifications and experience to match the job you want. If you decide a job you want to do, I’d like to recommend that you get information about the company you want to work as much as you can. It would be helpful that find the company’s management direction, changes in the industry and company’s outlook. Many companies want you if If you can clearly show your potential and your goals to contribute within the company.
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실시간 Animal Rights 기사

  • [외신] Northern Data AG Concludes Capital Increase With Strategic Investor Block.One With Proceeds of EUR 21.5m
    Northern Data AG Concludes Capital Increase With Strategic Investor Block.One With Proceeds of EUR 21.5m 노던 데이터, 전략적 투자자 블록원으로부터 2150만유로 조달 The Management Board of the Northern Data AG (ISIN DE000A0SMU87, WKN A0SMU8, ticker NB2) today resolved with the approval of the Supervisory Board to increase the Company‘s issued share capital by issuing 431,225 new no-par value ordinary bearer shares. This corresponds to 3.64% of the current share capital. The shares are issued against cash contributions partially utilizing the existing authorized capital and excluding the existing shareholders’ subscription rights. The shares are issued at EUR 50 per share; thus the total gross issue proceeds are EUR 21,561,250. All shares will be subscribed by strategic investor Block.One. Block.One is the global leader in high performance blockchain software and author of the EOSIO open source software. Block.one and Northern Data intend to work together closely to build software infrastructure on EOSIO for Northern Data's HPC facility. The net proceeds from the capital increase shall be used to strengthen the balance sheet, accelerate the growth of existing business activities and general corporate purposes. The new shares will be included without a prospectus in the existing listing on the Open Market of the Munich Stock Exchange 노던 데이터(Northern Data AG)(ISIN DE000A0SMU87, WKN A0SMU8, ticker NB2) 이사회가 무액면 무기명 보통주 43만1225주를 새로 발행해 발행필 주식자본금을 늘린다는 감사회의 승인안을 17일 의결했다. 43만1225주는 현재 주식자본금의 3.64%에 상응한다. 기존 수권자본을 부분 활용해 현금 각출금 인환 방식으로 발행하며, 기존 주주는 신주인수권을 행사할 수 없다. 주당 50유로로 발행하며 총 발행액은 2156만1250유로다. 전략적 투자자자인 블록원(Block.One.)이 전량 출자한다. 블록원은 전 세계 고성능 블록체인 소프트웨어 업계를 선도하는 기업으로 개방형 블록체인 소프트웨어 이오스아이오(EOSIO)를 개발했다. 블록원과 노던 데이터는 서로 긴밀히 협력해 노던 데이터의 HPC 시설에 이오스아이오 소프트웨어 인프라를 구축할 예정이다. 증자를 통해 발생한 순수익은 재정 상태 강화와 기존 사업 활동의 성장 가속화, 일반적 공동의 목적을 위해 사용된다. 신주는 투자안내서 없이 뮌헨 증권거래소(m:access) 오픈마켓(Open Market)에 포함된다.
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  • (English Edition) Global Enterprise News [GEN] - Google News 2nd. Edition: 2020-September
    (English Edition) Global Enterprise News [GEN] - Google News2nd. Edition: 2020-September Global Enterprise News Broadcasting System [GEBS] 1st. Live News Bill Gates says Pfizer has best shot at early COVID-19 vaccine Bill Gates says Pfizer has the best chance of seeking emergency approval for a coronavirus vaccine by next month even though he thinks such an aggressive timeline is unlikely. Corona Chuseok 'Kim Young-ran Act' announced an upward revision of the upper limit of agricultural and fisheries products futures from 100,000 won to 200,000 won. A major Korean holiday, Chuseok (also known as Korean Thanksgiving), is coming at the end of the month (September 30 – October 2), and for this holiday season only, the Korean government has passed a temporary increase to the gifts threshold under the Anti-Graft Act. Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by Norwegian official, citing Israel-UAE peace deal Nomination was submitted by Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of the Norwegian Parliament President Trump: Israel and the UAE have agreed to finalize a historic peace agreement President Trump announces a ‘historic peace agreement’ between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, saying they agreed to ‘full normalization of relations.’ Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess denies Tesla ties after he is seen with Elon Musk Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess brushed aside speculation of a potential partnership with Tesla after he gave Elon Musk a test drive of the German carmaker’s new ID.3 electric car. The 2020 white paper on foreign companies in Korea, the average annual salary of Korea Country Managers is more than 300 million won, and the average annual salary of new college graduates is 35 million won. KOFA , The Korea Foreign Enterprise Association [CEO, Kim Jong-cheol,54 ] published the results of its survey on salary and benefits of foreign companies in Korea conducted in April this year. The survey was conducted on 2,000 foreign companies in Korea and 135 companies responded. The average annual salary of the country manager was more than 300 million won (28.68 percent), and it seems to be a slight increase from 250 million won in 2019. The average annual salary of executive-level officers (full-time, executive and director) was 100 to 150 million won (38.71 percent). The average annual salary of the manager and team leader is 70 to 90 million won (54.84%),The deputy manager's salary is 50 to 70 million won (70.97 percent),Working-level officials ranged from 35 million won to 45 million won (70.97 percent), New college graduates entry level ranged from 30 million won to 35 million won (45.16 percent). Elon Musk worth more than $100B as Tesla’s stock keeps surging Make room, Jeff, Bill and Mark: the 12-digit club has a new member. Elon Musk’s fortune crossed the $100 billion mark on Friday as Tesla’s shares continued a dizzying rally that has seen the company’s market cap more than quadruple this year. This colorful billionaire reportedly played outsized role in recent market rally The mystery player behind the unprecedented summer tech rally appears to be the colorful billionaire CEO of Japanese conglomerate Softbank. NDB’s battery tech manage a 40% charge, which is a big improvement over the 15% charge collection efficiency Pleasanton-based green energy startup NDB, Inc. has reached a key milestone today with the completion of two proof of concept tests of its nano diamond battery (NDB) . Boeing CEO pledges a 20 percent increase in black employees Boeing is seeking to increase black US employees throughout the company by 20 percent and mandate benchmarks for hiring people of color, Chief Executive Dave Calhoun told employees in a memo on Friday reviewed by Reuters FTC grills Mark Zuckerberg in Facebook antitrust probe The Federal Trade Commission questioned Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg this week as part of its antitrust investigation into the social-media titan, reports say. Tim Cook(Apple CEO) is a billionaire after Apple stock jumps Apple CEO Tim Cook became a billionaire this month, after nine years at the helm of the world’s most valuable company. Siemens to let staff ‘Work From Anywhere’ permanently Germany’s Siemens has decided to let its employees work from wherever they want for two or three days a week, in the latest example of how the coronavirus is making major companies re-think how and where their staff work. Ex-Google engineer Anthony Levandowski gets 18 months for stealing trade secrets A former Google engineer who stole self-driving car technology for Uber was sentenced this week to 18 months in prison, in what a California judge called the “biggest trade secret crime” he’s ever seen. Netflix names Ted Sarandos co-CEO as stock tanks on slowing growth Netflix said it tapped its longtime content chief Ted Sarandos to run the streaming giant alongside its founder Reed Hastings — just in time to deal with fears that growth will slow. [G-CEO] Global Enterprise CEO Association, announce the results of the survey on wages and benefits of foreign companies in Korea, and hold a rooftop event [G-CEO] under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, announced on the 22nd that the held a rooftop dinner event at the Glad Live Gangnam Hotel and announced the results of the 2020 survey on wages and benefits of foreign companies by Mr. Roo Sung-hyun ( attorney for law firm Lee & Ko ). AMCHAM Korea ,New York Times International President Stephen Dunbar-Johnson to host an online special lecture AMCHAM Korea ,New York Times International President Stephen Dunbar-Johnson to host an online special lecture A special lecture was held at 4:30 p.m. (3 a.m. local time) on September 3 through Zoom Online Video. Agenda was business strategy for Asia and the dynamics shaping the global media landscape. 2020 Korea Foreign Enterprise Business White Paper, [KOFA REPORT ] Published News Distribution :(G-CEO) Full member of the Global Enterprise CEO Association in Korea [G-CEO] - Free distribution - In the case of a non-member corporation or individual You can only purchase certain donations from the association upon payment. Standard for full membership: As of August 2020, a full-time member who joined the G-CEO Association and completed the payment of membership fees. Main table of contents Introduction Major Press Release Direct Foreign Investment Trend and Domestic and Foreign Market Trends in the First Half of 2020Part 1 2020 Salary surveyPart 2 2020 Welfare Benefit survey Enterprise Labor Cost ReportPart 3 Korea Country Manager Turnover UpdatePart 4 Membership Directory Association of Global Enterprise CEO in Korea [G-CEO] Korea Foreign Enterprise HR Association [KOFEN HR]Part 5 The latest version of the Labor Standards Act Updated (Korean and English ver. 2020)Part 6 Handbook of Foreign Companies in Korea (2,765 Companies Update as of 30th of July) (Excel , PDF file will be sent separately) (*) Animated Video Description ( 2020 Salary & Benefits Result ) (*) 2020 Foreign Enterprise Business White Paper - E Book The 2020 Foreign Enterprise Business White Paper (KOFA REPORT 2020) will share data such as E-Book , animation video, PDF, and Excel through Online Cloud Drive in addition to this basic booklet. The method of sharing will be sent by individual email. How to order to get contents:1. Download the attached order application form and sign it.2. Send an Application to the G-CEO Secretariat3. Payment of sponsorship amount (Provided receipt of payment evidence)4. E-mail from the Secretary-General (E-BOOK , animation presentation video, etc.) 2020 KOFA REPORT- Sample E-book Preview url --> https://online.fliphtml5.com/yqolq/fddd/Animation Presentation Video Preview url --> https://vimeo.com/456755117 Recruit members of the Foreign Country Manager Committee - Global Enterprise CEO Association (G-CEO)This is [G-CEO] of the Korea Foreign Company Representative Directors Association, a division under the Gov. of Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy in Korea Our association helps the successful business of Country Manager by sharing the successful management cases of foreign-invested companies and various useful management data to the country manager of foreign-invested Korean branches. We are recruiting foreign country manager of foreign companies in Korea. Meeting : A regular meeting every other month / Lightning meetings from time to timeLanguage : English OnlyContents :1- A special lecture ( Business , Humanities etc.) Instructor : Celebrities, government officials, and other experts2- Social Networking with Wine and hotel food / Business Interaction3- Free distribution of high value-added professional management materials / Periodicals Introduction of the Association Click the an official note url address below.You can see the an official note click below url link. (Introduction of the Association , Organization chart , Membership company , Full Membership Special Offer Benefit , Invoice etc.) An official note E-book url : https://online.fliphtml5.com/yqolq/wden/ An official note download atgoogle drive : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1isSH8bA36HPX-wCx93cOQDz-WwnLmpfa AD Furniture rental with CORT CORT offers a variety of services from home and office furniture rental and clearance furniture to relocation and destination services AD 하림, jtbc ‘육자회담’ 레시피 3종 PICK 이벤트 진행 종합식품기업 하림이 자연실록 공식 SNS 채널에서 ‘육자회담 레시피 3종 PICK’ 이벤트를 진행한다. AD Effective Security Crushing Solution Provides secure shredding services that are reliable and secure. Global Enterprise News [GEN] - Google News AppIf you click the Google News Rss app button and follow it, you can receive high-quality information about foreign companies news from time to time. 주한외국기업뉴스 [GEN] The Voice of Foreign Enterprise & People in Korea! Purpose of issue:It provides activities and information for foreign companies operating in Korea and contributes to the revitalization of foreign-invested companies, economic revitalization, and employment promotion. Contents of Issued: Current status of foreign companies operating in Korea and other economic activities such as investment and employment; News Title : Global Enterprise News [GEN]Registration number : Seoul , Ah 52703Editorial and Publisher: Mr.Kim Jong CheolYouth Protection Officer: Kim Hee-jeIssuing station:Bongeunsa-ro 129, 823 (Nonhyeon-dong, Geopyeong Town) in Gangnam-gu, Seoul Aticle Report / AdvertisementE-mail : gen@gen.or.kr / TEL:02-3452-8603 Copyright ⓒ http://gen.or.kr . All rights reserved. All content (article) of a newspaper is protected by copyright law.Do not distribute unauthorized copies, etc.
    • Animal Rights
  • Papa John’s founder slices up ad firm’s $6M ‘extort’ attempt
    Papa John’s founder slices up ad firm’s $6M ‘extort’ attempt Papa John’s founder John Schnatter has claimed his spectacular ouster from the pizza chain last year was orchestrated by an advertising firm that was trying to extort $6 million from him — and now he claims that he has the tapes to prove it. The embattled fast-food tycoon — who last year left the company’s board amid growing unrest over a leaked recording of a conference call in which he used the N-word — claimed in court papers filed this month that the May 2018 call was a setup by Laundry Service, an ad firm that had been doing business with Papa John’s. Specifically, Schnatter — who has insisted from the start that the hubbub was the result of a plot against him — now claims his legal team has discovered the existence of a recording of Laundry Service executives speaking among themselves after Schnatter hung up from the infamous conference call on May 22, 2018. According to a July 2018 Forbes report, Schnatter and the ad execs on the call were doing a role-playing exercise that included questions about racism. Asked how he would separate himself from racist groups online, Schnatter reportedly said that KFC founder Colonel Sanders never got backlash for using the N-word — comments that Schnatter later owned up to and said he regretted. “There is no mistaking Laundry Service’s ill-intent,” the court filing adds, alleging that the ad execs plotted to “put Mr. Schnatter in front of a hostile interviewer in front of a live audience to make comments that would inevitably be misconstrued and used against him.” The new filing has been redacted, and doesn’t contain any specific, smoking-gun excerpts from the recording. The tape was made by Tim Polder, a former Laundry Service employee who also gave a deposition about it, according to court documents. Laundry Service argues that details about Polder’s deposition should remain sealed, but Schnatter’s lawyers are asking the court to unseal them to reveal “approximately six lines of testimony from the deposition” discussing that call, according to court papers. Laundry Service, which is part of entertainment mogul Casey Wasserman’s media group, denied it leaked the recording. A spokesperson for Wasserman Media Group declined to comment on Friday.
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    • Animal Rights
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