• 최종편집 2024-11-09(토)

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  • [단독외신] Airbnb stock tumbles after more than doubling last week
    Airbnb stock tumbles after more than doubling last week Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky Corbis via Getty Images Wall Street is having second thoughts about Airbnb’s frothy market debut last week. The home-sharing giant’s stock — which more than doubled last week in the company’s initial public offering — tumbled more than 8 percent on Monday after a research firm cut its rating on the shares, citing doubts whether the company’s performance would be able to justify their lofty price. “Investors we’ve spoken with like Airbnb’s business model and want to be long-term holders, but are now looking at selling the stock because they no longer feel comfortable owning it trading at a 300 to 400 percent valuation premium,” Gordon Haskett Capital analyst Robert Mollins wrote, slashing his rating on Airbnb shares to underperform from buy. The home-sharing giant became a publicly traded company last Thursday when its shares surged from its listing price of $68 to as high as $165. They closed at $144.71, giving the company a market cap of $83 billion — more than the market values of Marriott, Hilton and Hyatt combined. On Monday, the shares were recently off 8.3 percent at $127.70. Mollins said his price target for Airbnb’s shares is $103 per share, stating that he remained “positive” in his forecast for the company’s “long term” future. But he added that an “overwhelming majority” of investors he has spoken to are interested in cashing in on their quick gains. Airbnb’s 39-year-old CEO Brian Chesky got $6.5 billion richer — and tongue-tied, too — last Thursday as the vacation-rental giant’s stock price more than doubled in its blockbuster market debut. The surge drove Chesky’s net worth up to more than $11 billion, giving him a larger fortune than record executive David Geffen and hedge-fund tycoon Steve Cohen, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. “That’s the first time I’ve heard that number,” he told Bloomberg Television, tripping over his words. “So I … I don’t know what else to say. It’s … that’s a … that’s a very … that’s … um … that is … yeah … I’m very humbled by it.”
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  • [단독외신] FDA finds Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine to be safe, 94 percent effective
    FDA finds Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine to be safe, 94 percent effective The Food and Drug Administration found Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine to be safe and highly effective, bolstering the shot’s chances of being cleared for emergency use this week. In a 54-page report released Tuesday, FDA staff affirmed the Massachusetts biotech firm’s finding that the vaccine is about 94 percent effective and poses no safety concerns that would prevent the agency from granting it an emergency use authorization. The analysis came ahead of a Thursday meeting where the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee is expected to recommend that emergency approval, which would make Moderna’s vaccine the second to be rolled out across the country. The first shots from Pfizer and BioNTech were jabbed into Americans’ arms on Monday. In its own 84-page report, Moderna said the data show “that the known and potential benefits of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine outweigh the known and potential risks.” As with Pfizer’s vaccine, the FDA said Moderna’s shot was similarly effective across racial, ethnic and gender groups and that it worked well in people with medical issues that put them at a high risk of severe COVID-19 infections. The clinical trial of Moderna’s vaccine also produced strong evidence that it prevents serious cases of the virus, given that all 30 participants who came down with severe infections had received a placebo rather than the vaccine. But the shot’s efficacy did vary somewhat depending on the recipient’s age, the FDA said — it was 95.6 percent effective in adults aged 18 to 64 and 86.4 percent effective in those 65 and older. Participants in Moderna’s 30,000-person trial also reported some common side effects such as headache, fatigue, muscle aches and pain at the injection site, the FDA said. Pfizer’s shot has caused similar side effects. The FDA said there were no “anaphylactic or severe hypersensitivity reactions” in the study that were closely related to Moderna’s vaccine. Some people in the UK suffered severe allergic reactions after receiving Pfizer’s shot. The FDA will reportedly move quickly to grant the emergency approval for Moderna’s vaccine just as it did for Pfizer’s, which received the clearance a day after the vaccine panel recommended it. Both shots use so-called messenger RNA, genetic material that provokes an immune response to the virus by directing the body to create a tiny amount of coronavirus spike proteins. Enlarge Image A nurse prepares a syringe during a study of a COVID-19 vaccine.[/caption] Moderna says it will have about 20 million vaccine doses available in the US by the end of the year, enough to inoculate roughly 10 million people with two doses apiece. Pfizer, meanwhile, expects to have about 50 million doses on hand globally this year, with about half allocated to the US. The feds expect that 20 million Americans will be able to get their first shots by the end of the month, followed by another 30 million in January. Moderna shares were down about 0.8 percent at $153.91 as of 9:35 a.m. Tuesday.
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  • 단독- (사)주한글로벌기업대표이사협회 [G-CEO] , 신임 회장에 아레이몬드코리아 김종세 대표이사 취임
    (사)주한글로벌기업대표이사협회 [G-CEO] , 신임 회장에 아레이몬드코리아 김종세 대표이사 취임수석부회장에 존슨콘트롤즈코리아 하운식 대표이사 선임 아레이몬드코리아, 김종세(Jason Kim , 52) 대표이사 존슨콘트롤즈코리아 ( 하운식 , 62) 한국총괄사장 사진제공: 주한외국기업연합회 [KOFA] 산업통상자원부 소관 사단법인 주한글로벌기업대표이사협회(G-CEO) 신임 회장으로 A.RAYMOND KOREA, 김종세 ( Jason Kim , 52 ) 대표이사가 선임됐다. 주한외국기업연합회(KOFA) 김종철 (상임대표, 54)는 지난7일 라마다서울호텔에서 개최된 송년임시총회에서 G-CEO 신임회장으로 김종세 (Jason Kim , 52) 아레이몬드코리아 대표이사를 선임하고, 수석부회장에 존슨콘트롤즈코리아 ( 하운식 , 62) 한국총괄사장을 선임하였다고 20일 밝혔다. (사)주한글로벌기업대표이사협회 [G-CEO]는 산업통상자원부 소관 비영리 단체이고 한국에 진출한 외국계기업 한국대표이사 (지사장)들의 협회이고 주한외국기업연합회 [KOFA]의 소속단체이다. G-CEO(Global Enterprise CEO Association)는 전 세계 500여개의 주한외국기업의 대표이사들로 구성된 비영리 사단법인이다. 자기성장과 사회적기여(Growth & Social Responsibility)라는 미션으로 세미나를 통한 역량 개발과 회원사 간의 네트워킹을 통한 비즈니스 교류 와 산학협력차원에서 CEO 특강활동과 기타 사회공헌 활동을 하고 있다. 아레이몬드코리아, 김종세(Jason Kim , 52) 대표이사 김종세 신임회장은 성균관대에서 MBA를 마치고 건국대에서 Management Technology 박사학위를 수료한 전문 글로벌 경영인이다. 2001년 Visteon Korea 입사 이후, 한국대표이사를 거쳐 2018년부터 현재까지 아레이몬드코리아 대표이사로 재직 중이다. 어레이몬드코리아는 프랑스에 본사를 둔 자동차 부품 기술분야를 선도하는 기업으로 전 세계 25개국 7200여명의 다양한 전문가들이 일하고 있으며 한국지사는 화성시 동탄에 사업장을 두고 있다. 아레이몬드코리아는 ‘2019년 하반기 경기도 일자리 우수기업’에 선정된 바 있다. 김종세 신임회장은 “G-CEO는 2005년 설립 이후 현재까지 16년간 외국계기업 한국지사장들의 대표적 모임으로 자리매김하고 했고 매년 주한외국기업백서 발간을 통해 한국에 진출한 외국계기업의 급여 및 복리후생조사 과 각종 인적자원경영관련 마켓리서치를 해오고 있고 대한민국 비영리 단체중 외국기업에 관한 정보력은 타의 추월을 불허할 정도의 역량을 가지고 있고 Covid19 시대에 부합되는 유익한 외국기업경영정보를 재공하고 있다고 밝혔다. 앞으로 더욱 많은 회원사가 함께 할 수 있도록 협회 외형의 확장을 위해 노력하고, 5만여 외국계기업 한국지사장들의 권익을 위해 노력을 할 것”이라고 포부를 밝혔다. 존슨콘트롤즈코리아 ( 하운식 , 62) 한국총괄사장 아울러 수석부회장으로 새로 선임된 하운식 총괄대표이사( Johnson Controls Korea )도 “새로 선임된 신임 회장을 조력하며 한국지사장 이라는 공통분모를 가진 회원사들과 경영이슈에 관한 서베이 및 성공한 매니지먼트 사례공유등을 통해 유익한 내용을 담아갈 수 있는 모임이 될 수 있는 문화를 정착시키도록 노력하겠다”고 말했다. 하운식 존슨콘트롤즈코리아 총괄사장은 한국전력공사에서 발전소 운영, 보수 및 건설 그리고 본사 등지에서 업무를 수행했으며 1994년 GE로 자리를 옮겨 미국, 한국, 홍콩, 싱가포르 및 중국 등지에서 현장 기술감리, 식스시그마, 고객 서비스, 영업지원(입찰 및 계약) 분야뿐만 아니라 전략적 고객 지원 및 영업 분야에서 다양한 리더십 역할을 수행한 바 있으며 존슨콘트롤즈코리아 총괄사장으로 부임하기 전에는 GE Power Korea 사장을 역임 하였다. 존슨콘트롤즈코리아는 130년 이상 지속해온 혁신 경험과 최고의 빌딩 기술 및 솔루션을 보유하고 스마트빌딩 및 스마트시티를 구현하는 글로벌 리더 기업이고 2016년 소방, 보안 솔루션 분야의 리더인 타이코와 합병하였다. 한편 전임 회장이었던 박순구 회장 (리치텍코리아) 은 올해 12월부로 대만본사로 영전하여 R&D 부문 글로벌 책임자로 발령 되었다. 이밖에 각산업별분과 위원장으로 반도체산업분과 (인피니언테크널러지코리아 이승수 사장) , 자동차산업분과 (브로제코리아 금종구 사장) , 화학산업분과 (에보닉코리아 최윤영 사장) , PR.광고산업분과 (DDB Korea 고광수 사장 ), 네트워크위원장 (키네트테크널러지코리아 나종배 사장) , 골프분과 (단디코리아 홍경표 사장) 탤런트리쿠르팅 분과 (로버트월터스코리아 최준원 사장) 등이 선임 되었다. 이날 사회를 본 G-CEO 홍보대사 이상은 ( SBS 공채 탤런트)은 공로상을 수여 하였다. (좌측 ) G-CEO 홍보대사 이상은 (SBS 공채탤런트) 우측 G-CEO 법인 이사회 의장 김경 (시너지케어 아시아태평양지역사장) (사)주한글로벌기업대표이사협회 [G-CEO] 개요 (사)주한글로벌기업대표이사협회 [G-CEO]는 산업통상자원부 소관 비영리 단체이고 한국에 진출한 외국계기업 한국대표이사 (지사장)들의 협회이고 주한외국기업연합회 [KOFA]의 소속단체이다. 출처: (사)주한글로벌기업대표이사협회 [G-CEO] 웹사이트: http://www.g-ceo.org 관련링크 티스토리: https://gceo.tistory.com/ 페이스북: https://www.facebook.com/groups/201632979847740 링크드인: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4410834 네이버 블로그: https://blog.naver.com/jamesmackim 사진설명 사진 1 A.RAYMOND KOREA, 김종세 ( Jason Kim , 52 ) 대표이사 사진 2 존슨콘트롤즈코리아 ( 하운식 , 62) 한국총괄대표이사 언론문의처 주한외국기업연합회 [KOFA] 사무총국 담당자 성명 김종철 02-3452-8603 kofen@kofen.org
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  • [단독외신] California fines Uber $59 million in dispute over sexual assault data
    California fines Uber $59 million in dispute over sexual assault data Getty Images California regulators fined Uber $59 million and threatened to suspend its operating license in the state after it refused to fork over details about sexual assaults that occurred on its trips. An administrative law judge ordered the ride-hailing giant to comply with the California Public Utilities Commission’s request for data about incidents of sexual assault and misconduct that were reported to Uber in the state over the last three years. The commission judge said it was unacceptable for Uber to stonewall regulators’ efforts to gather information about a safety risk to riders. “Rather than casting itself in the role of a victim of regulatory overreach, it is Uber who is playing the part of the obstructionist who has prevented the commission from carrying out its regulatory, investigative, and enforcement duties,” the judge wrote in the Monday ruling. The decision came about a year after Uber released a safety report revealing that it had received more than 3,000 reports of rape and sexual assault related to trips hailed through its platform in the US in 2018. That report prompted the Public Utilities Commission to seek more details about the incidents that occurred in California, including the date, location and time of each one, the circumstances of the assault, and contact information for witnesses as well as each person to whom the assault was reported. Uber has resisted the demand, calling it a “shocking violation of privacy” that could expose sexual assault survivors’ personal information such as full names and phone numbers. The judge noted that the commission ordered the company to submit the data under seal, which would protect any confidential information. Uber could also use a code or another signifier to identify victims instead of their full names, the ruling says. But Uber alleged that the commission has “changed its tune” and now wants to fine the company for failing to comply with an order that it “fundamentally altered.” “These punitive and confusing actions will do nothing to improve public safety and will only create a chilling effect as other companies consider releasing their own reports,” Uber spokesman Harry Hartfield said in a statement. “Transparency should be encouraged, not punished.” Uber has 30 days to appeal the judge’s ruling. The company’s shares were trading up 2.2 percent at $52.59 as of 10:19 a.m. Tuesday.
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