• 최종편집 2024-06-02(일)

로버트 월터스 코리아, 글로벌 채용 부문에서 2024 소비자 추천 1위브랜드 대상 수상

[2024 소비자추천 1위 브랜드] 로버트월터스코리아

로버트월터스코리아 제공


최고의 인력을 최적의 포지션에 매칭해 주는 ‘로버트월터스코리아(Robert Walters Korea)’가 글로벌 인재 채용 부문에서 5년 연속 소비자 추천 1위 브랜드에 올랐다.

로버트월터스코리아는 혁신과 비전, 리더십이라는 기업 브랜드 가치를 바탕으로 기업 고객에게 최적화된 인재 채용 서비스를 제공한다. ▲재무회계 ▲인사관리 ▲법률 ▲소비재 ▲기술혁신 ▲화학 ▲중공업 ▲자동차 ▲반도체 등 다양한 산업 분야에 걸쳐 전문적인 채용 컨설팅 서비스를 제공한다. 사회초년생부터 임원직까지 모든 직급의 구직자에게 장기적인 이직 컨설팅 서비스로 커리어 개발을 제공한다. 또 기업 고객에게 인사 어드바이스 및 인재 채용 설루션으로 니즈(needs)에 맞는 경력과 전문성을 갖춘 인재를 소개한다. 최근 그룹 차원의 리브랜딩을 통해 고객의 ‘이야기’에 진심으로 귀 기울이고, 맞춤형 서비스를 제공하며 차별화 전략에 나섰다.

한편, 로버트월터스코리아는 급변하는 채용시장에서 ESG(환경·사회·지배구조) 환경경영, ED&I(Equity, Diversity&Inclusion) 세미나 및 컨설팅으로 바뀐 조직문화에 대한 인사이트를 제공한다. 또 고용시장의 활성화와 선진적인 조직문화의 확산을 위해 노력하고 있다.





Robert Walters Korea received Grand Prize at the ‘2024 Top Consumer Recommended Brand Awards’ for the fifth consecutive year

Specialist professional recruitment firm Robert Walters Korea was awarded the ‘2024 Top Consumer Recommended Brand Awards’ Grand Prize for the fifth consecutive year in recognition of its brand value and outstanding specialist recruitment services. The winner of ‘2024 Top Consumer Recommended Brand Awards’, organised by Chosun Ilbo and sponsored by the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, is selected through market share survey conducted by ‘Korea research’ and a public survey assessing brand satisfaction among around 500 people. Robert Walters Korea received the Global Recruitment Consulting Grand Prize in recognition of its high-quality customized talent recruitment services to corporate clients, spanning from foreign company to startups based on the principles of teamwork, integrity, passion, innovation, quality, and inclusion.

Established in 2010, Robert Walters Korea supports comprehensive consulting for career development for professionals; from entry-level talents to executives; across various industries including finance and accounting, human resources management, legal, consumer goods, technology, chemical, automotive and semiconductors. They provide personalised career consulting tailored to individual capabilities and systematic talent acquisition solutions to clients by introducing candidates with the skills and expertise aligning with business needs. Recently, through a group-level rebranding effort, they emphasise on listening to the ‘story’ of candidates and clients to provide customised service for long-term partnership.

Responding to the rapidly changing job market, Robert Walters Korea shares insights into shifting workplace cultures through various seminars and consultancy on topics including ESG and ED&I (Equity, Diversity & Inclusion). Also, they publish an annual "Salary Survey" every February, providing a comprehensive analysis of job market trends and the latest salary information across various industries and job categories.

Jun-Won Choi, Country Manager of Robert Walters Korea, expressed, "I am very pleased to have been chosen for the Top Consumer Recommended Brand Awards for the fifth year in a row in recognition for our team’s dedication and accomplishments. We will strive to be the most trusted partner prioritising the goals and needs of both our clients and candidates, ensuring we listen to each of their stories attentively."


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로버트 월터스 코리아, 글로벌 채용 부문에서 2024 소비자 추천 1위브랜드 대상 수상
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