• 최종편집 2024-05-31(금)

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  • 중국 화웨이, 4월 12일 30억 위안 초단기 채권 발행
    화웨이는 본부 및 자회사 운영자금을 보충하기 위해 중국 본토에서 초단기 채권을 발행했으며, 상환 기한은 180일이다. 화웨이는 지난달에 30억 위안어치의 초단기 채권을 발행했으며, 1-2월에 총 110억 위안어치의 중기 채권을 발행했다. 2021년 재무보고에 따르면 화웨이는 596.7억 위안의 운영자금을 보유하고 있으며, 전년 동기대비 70% 증가했다. 2021년 글로벌 매출액은 6,368억 위안으로 28.6%하락 했으나, 이윤은 1,137억 위안으로 75.9% 증가했다. 중국 화웨이 [출처:https://finance.sina.cn/2022-04-13/detail-imcwiwst1530876.d.html?sinawapsharesource=newsapp&wm=3200]
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  • [FDI CEO , Special Interview] with EVONIK Korea CEO , Mr. Thomas Choi
    [FDI CEO , Special Interview] with EVONIK Korea CEO , Mr. Thomas Choi GEBS Anchor : Alicia Inseon Song Anchor - English: Hello Everyone, my name is Alicia Song and I am a reporter for GEBS, a foreign company news station in Korea. Today, I am honored to be joined with YoonYoung Choi, president of Evonik Korea. Anchor - English: Hello Thomas, first of all, thank you very much for accepting this interview. I know that Evonik headquarters is based in Germany and Evonik Korea is located in Dongjak gu, Seoul. Would you please share with us an introduction about Evonik? Thomas Choi Welcome to Evonik and Evonik Korea. Evonik is German base multinational company with 170 years history with its innovation and expertise in the area of Specialty Chemistry. Our head office based in Essen, Germany with operation in more than 100 countries. The revenue of the company is 12.2 bil. Euro (14.7 bil. USD) according to 2020 result and more than 33000 employees working globally. What is about specialty chemicals? We may not manufacture tires, mattresses, medications, or animal feeds, but Evonik is part of all of those products –and many more. While we often contribute only small amounts of material, those contributions are precisely what make the difference. That's because Evonik products make tires fuel-efficient, mattresses more elastic, medications more effective, and animal feeds healthier. That’s what specialty chemicals are all about. And when it comes to specialty chemicals, we're among the best in the world. Talking about Evonik in Korea, we had been established in 1985 and went through group wise Merge&acquisition then we’d change out corporate name to Evonik in 2007. Our head office in Seoul next to Boramae Park in Nongsim town. Additionally, we have technical lab in Bucheon and H2O2 plant in Ulsan. Total employees of Evonik Korea is currently 108. Anchor - English: Thank you for the introduction. Would you please describe what the organizational Development and Culture (OD & Culture)? Thomas Choi Our corporate culture starts with 4 core values which is Trust, Openness, Speed and Performance. These bases enable us to work together with customers and colleagues in trust, Open to new ideas with respect to diversity, agile to dynamic changes and last but least perform to deliver solution to customers’ need. As you see our company claimer “Leading beyond chemistry”, we stress its meaning that we as specialty chemical company take the lead to improve today’s and tomorrow’s better life beyond chemistry itself. We dare to stand in the front line of the market and provide excellent performance to our customers products which eventually contribute to better life for all. When you ask why Evonik exist, I would answer “ We are leading beyond chemistry to improve life, today and tomorrow. In Evonik Korea, We have implemented organizational and cultural changes in order to transform our core value to further advanced competences. For example, we officially stop Korean position title in HR system and also calling each other by English nick name instead of by Korean position title. This initiative will ensure or organizational agile in dynamic environment based on horizontal communication, respect diversity as well as focus on role& responsibility. Additionally, we have placed smart work mode on top of existing flexible working hour system. Both working systems are accelerating our performance, openness as well as speed. Also, self manageable work mode motivate us a mutual trust. Anchor - English: Would you please share with us about the 6 working principal of Evonik? Thomas Choi As mentioned about 4 core values, it provide all employee on meaning of our existence in the company and indicate clear direction like compass. With 6 working principals, it defines our attitude and behavior toward each other, customers and partners as well as society. Those are our promises and resolutions. 6 working principals are literally self explained… Decide and deliver, Focus on the customer, Seize the opportunities, Move fast and simplify, Stick together, Try and learn. We act according to our decision, explore need on customer perspective, expand opportunities and secure chance to improve, yield efficiency via simplification and speed, cooperation and collective energy is impulse for joint growth and we learn from experience and try to discover new insight. Our working principals are well connected to 4 core values like ecosystem so that core value is being firmly present in the company via acting according to 6 working principals. Another word, 6 working principals are our DNA for Evonik employees Anchor - English: Would you please outline the compensation & benefits (C&B) and HR Management (HRM) system of Evonik? Thomas Choi The welfare benefits include a core-time working hour system that allows employees to adjust their working hours flexibly, the leave policy that supports special leave according to the years of service in addition to the legal annual leave, support for children's education fee and foreign language learning expenses, loan support and etc. Most employees are highly satisfied with these welfare benefits. For HR Management, compensation system, performance evaluation, employees competency development which come a long with combination of on the job training, Peer coaching and class room training. Recently, we started with E-buddy program even under Covid. Newbie to company are matched with experience colleagues and casually interact even online in order to catch up faster for company culture and resolve individual specific questions. Anchor - English: How would you describe the labor-management culture of Evonik? Thomas Choi I would like to say Evonik's labor-management culture is a more horizontal and respectful culture by using an English nick-name instead of using Korean calling title. Evonik Korea Managers take the lead in using English nick-name continuously and try to eliminate the hierarchy, now all employees are communicating naturally by calling their English nick-name. Through the labor-management council meeting, we try to gather and reflect the opinions of our employees every quarter actively and using English nick-name helps to smooth and harmonious meetings. Evonik Korea also supports maternity protection for female employees. All female employees could their maternity leaves without any hesitation. Rather, all employees celebrates the birth of a precious life and rejoices together. During maternity leave, the company provides additional support so that employees can receive full compensation for 90 days. This makes employees on maternity leave can concentrate on their childcare comfortably. Anchor - English: Would you be able to inform us of any job position currently available at Evonik or a position that is scheduled to be available in the second half of this year? Thomas Choi Evonik Korea hire across the year. We have positions such as Technical manager, Plant engineer, Business administrators in hiring process and planned. Additionally, We also have several intern position for university students. Further detail, please refer to job portal which is know for foreign invested company recruitment Anchor - English: The world economy has been stunned since the Pandemic. Would you please highlight some of the real difficulties that currently surround your company industry as well as the future outlook of the industry? Thomas Choi Indeed, Covid19 pandemic situation impact on world economy and also for business. We as specialty chemical company, we have demonstrated Evonik is robust company with well balance product portfolio. However, challenges are remains. Current challenges across many industries are supply chain especially logistic part. There has been shipment delay, port congestion due to lack of labors. This caused material price increase and shortage of feedstocks. This situation would remain till end of this year. Beside, Chemical business will be paid significant attention related with safety and sustainability such as green energy and circular plastics. The company itself as well as our customers drive business according to ESG (Environmental Social and Governance). Of cource this is not only trend in chemical sector but also broaden in any business. Anchor - English: Lastly, as a mentor who contributes so much to his community, please share with us any wisdom you may have for young job seekers) Thomas Choi People says there is alphabet “C” between B and D. it means there are choices between Birth to Death. In fact, we are doing lots of life time decision as your choice. I would like share with those who step into business world Trust your decision – your choice is and being the best choice as long as it is yours. We often make decision after struggle through several choices. When you make a decision from your choice, let’s keep it with full trust thus you will put extra miles effort to make thing happen. In the end, it will be the best choice because it will make you successful in your own choice. So, I would like to stress “whatever you decision on your own choice, it will be the best choice” Anchor – English:Thank you very much for your valuable time Mr. Choi and I hope we can inform and educate Evonik to the Korean people even further. This has been Alicia Song, the Anchor of GEBS, the Foreign Company News Station in Korea.
    • CEO Interview
  • 2022 시즌 개막전 ‘제17회 DB손해보험 프로미 오픈’ 포토콜 진행…’열전 돌입’
    2022 시즌 KPGA 코리안투어의 첫 포문을 여는 ‘제16회 DB손해보험 프로미 오픈(총상금 7억원, 우승상금 1억 4천만원)’ 개막을 하루 앞두고 대회의 성공적인 개최를 기원하는 포토콜 행사가 열렸다. 13일(수) 강원 춘천시에 위치한 라비에벨 컨트리클럽 올드코스 연습그린에서 진행된 포토콜에는 ‘디펜딩 챔피언’ 문도엽(31.DB손해보험), 2021년 ‘제64회 KPGA 선수권대회 with A-ONE CC’와 ‘제37회 신한동해오픈’ 우승자 서요섭(26.DB손해보험), 2021년 ‘하나은행 인비테이셔널’ 우승자 이태훈(32.DB손해보험) 등 DB손해보험 소속 선수들을 포함해 2021 시즌 제네시스 포인트 2위, 3위, 4위에 각각 위치한 박상현(39.동아제약), 함정우(28.하나금융그룹), 김한별(26.SK telecom)이 참석했다. 지난해 ‘제16회 DB손해보험 프로미 오픈’에서 정상에 오르며 9년만에 메인스폰서가 주최하는 대회에서 우승을 차지한 문도엽은 “모든 선수들이 기다린 개막전인 만큼 설렌다. DB손해보험을 대표한다는 자부심으로 대회에 임할 것”이라며 “갤러리 입장도 허용된 만큼 선수들 모두 최고의 경기력을 보여줄 것”이라고 소감을 밝혔다. 포토콜에 참석한 (좌로부터) 함정우, 서요섭, 문도엽, 이태훈, 박상현, 김한별 (사진 대회 조직위 제공) 2014년부터 2019년, 그리고 2021년과 올시즌 KPGA 코리안투어 개막전으로 열리는 ‘DB손해보험 프로미 오픈’의 주최사인 DB손해보험은 2005년 ‘동부화재 프로미배 제48회 KPGA 선수권대회’를 시작으로 17회째 KPGA 코리안투어의 타이틀 스폰서로 참여하며 지속적인 후원을 이어가고 있다. 또한 2012년부터 대회 기간 동안 선수들이 버디를 기록할 때마다 기금을 적립해 소외계층과 어려운 이웃에게 전달하는 사회공헌 활동 ‘사랑의 버디’ 행사를 올해 역시 진행해 나눔의 가치를 실현한다. ‘제17회 DB손해보험 프로미 오픈’은 2019년 ‘제네시스 챔피언십’ 최종라운드 이후 915일(2년 6개월 1일)만에 갤러리가 입장한다. 2020~2021 시즌은 코로나19 확산 여파로 인해 갤러리가 대회장에 출입하지 못했다. 갤러리 입장 정보는 KPGA 공식 홈페이지와 ‘제17회 DB손해보험 프로미 오픈’ 대회 공식 SNS에서 확인 가능하다. 올 시즌 KPGA 코리안투어 개막전 ‘제17회 DB손해보험 프로미 오픈’은 KPGA 코리안투어 주관 방송사인 JTBC골프를 통해 매 라운드 낮 12시부터 생중계된다.
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  • 재향군인회 창립사상 비(非) 장성 출신 신상태 회장 당선
    13일 국가보훈처 등에 따르면 이날 비대면 전자투표로 실시된 제37대 향군 회장 선거 결과 예비역 육군 대위 출신인 신상태(71) 전 부회장이 약 70.2%의 득표율을 얻어 압승했다. 기호 1번 신상태 후보가 재적 373명 중 96.25%인 359명이 투표에 참석한 1차 투표에서 70.19%인 252표를 득표하여 회장 선출되었다. 상대 후보인 김진호(81·학군2기·예비역 육군대장) 현 회장은 107표(득표율 29.8%)를 얻는 데 그쳐 연임에 실패했다. 1951년생인 신 신임 회장은 육군3사관학교 6기 출신으로, 향군 이사와 서울시재향군인회 27·28대 회장, 향군 34·35대 부회장 등을 역임했다. 현재는 중소기업을 경영하고 있는 것으로 알려졌다. 예비역으로 구성된 향군은 회비를 내는 정회원만 약 130만 명에 달하는 국내 최대 안보단체로, 1952년 향군 설립 이후 장성이 아닌 예비역 출신 후보가 당선된 건 70년 만에 처음이라고 향군 관계자는 전했다.
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