• 최종편집 2024-09-27(금)


  • 아이폰12 국내 첫 선…긴 대기줄 없이 예약 입장
    아이폰12 국내 첫 선…긴 대기줄 없이 예약 입장 애플의 첫 5G 스마트폰 '아이폰12'와 '아이폰12 프로'가 국내 출시된 30일 오전 서울 강남구 가로수길 애플 스토어 앞은 예년과 달리 긴 대기 줄이 형성되지 않다.
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  • “3차원으로 진화했다”··· MS 엑셀, 방대한 실시간 데이터 입력 수용
    “3차원으로 진화했다”··· MS 엑셀, 방대한 실시간 데이터 입력 수용 마이크로소프트 엑셀이 새롭게 진화했다. 회사는 29일 ‘데이터 유형’(data types)에 대한 지원을 확대함으로써 엑셀 단일 셀이 숫자와 수식 이상의 요소를 품을 수 있도록 했다. 마이크로소프트는 ‘데이터 유형’을 2차원 엑셀 셀의 ‘3차원’이라고 표현하고 있다. 그 이유를 알기란 그리 어렵지 않다. 마이크로소프트는 2019년 2종의 데이터 유형을 소개한 바 있다. ‘주식’(stocks)과 ‘지리’(geography)가 그것이다. 사용자가 셀에 주식 기호를 입력하고 ‘Data > Data Types > Stocks’ 식별기를 이용해 주식 기호임을 규정해주면 ‘MSFT’가 실시간 데이터에 대한 문호를 개방한다. 즉 사용자는 엑셀 내에서 ‘리프레시 데이터’ 버튼을 누르면 항상 최신 데이터를 얻게 된다. 마이크로소프는 또 울프럼 알파(Wolfram Alpha)와 제휴를 맺고 음식, 화학, 우주, 대학 및 학비 등에 이르는 수백 가지 데이터 유형을 엑셀에서 지원하도록 했었다. 마이크로소프트는 이제 사용자가 스스로 데이터 유형을 정의하고, 원하는 대로 정의된 자신의 ‘고객’ 데이터 형식을 관련 파워BI 서비스로 보낼 수 있도록 했다. 즉 엑셀 스프레드 시트의 데이터를 사용자 고유의 커스텀 데이터 유형으로 생성할 수 있으며, 파워 쿼리(Power Query)를 이용해 해당 데이터에 쿼리할 수 있게 됐다. 마이크로소프트는 이번 기능이 실제 생활에서 어떤 의미를 지니는 지를 설명하는 몇몇 동영상을 제작했다. 다음은 데이터 유형에 대한 홍보 동영상과, ‘고객’ 또는 자신의 개인 데이터 사용에 대한 간략한 개요를 제공하는 보다 구체적인 영상이다. 데이터 유형은 회계 기업에게 유용한 기능처럼 들릴 수 있겠지만, 다양한 애플리케이션에 그리 어렵지 않게 적용할 수 있는 기본 기능이다. 이를테면 DIY 다이어트 분석에도 활용할 수 있다.한편 울프럼 데이터 유형은 이제 오피스 인사이더 채널로 격하된다. 대부분 아직 라이프 상태가 아니기도 하다. 아울러 파워BI 기능을 지용하려면 마이크로소프트 365 구독과 파워BI 구독이 필요하다. 엑셀 제품 담당자인 브라이언 존스는 데이터 유형을 빠르게 시작하고 데이터 유형을 추적하는 등의 작업을 수행할 수 있게 해주는 새로운 ‘스마트 템플릿’ 세트를 선보일 계획이라고 밝혔다. 단 구체적인 일정은 공개하지 않았다. 엑셀 사용자가 라이브 출처로부터 데이터를 가져오는 기능은 몇 년 전부터 있었다. 그러나 새로운 데이터 유형은 지속적인 업데이트를 허용한다는 점에서 다르다. 이를테면 마이크로소프트 엣지 내에 있는 콜렉션(Collections) 기능을 이용하면 여러 웹 페이지를 수집한 다음 이를 자동 생성된 스프레드시트 내에서 속성을 추적할 수 있게 된다. 데이터가 실시간으로 추적, 측정, 평가되는 미래가 이렇게 좀더 가까이 다가왔다. CIO
    • 기타보도
  • The black community’s best chance may be four more years of Trump
    The black community’s best chance may be four more years of Trump President Trump's support among black Americans aged 18 to 44 has doubled since he was elected.LightRocket via Getty Images I was recently chatting with a black friend who leans left politically when she said she would like to see President Trump win. I was surprised: She’s spoken out against the president on social media because of some of his past comments, especially when he told the Proud Boys “to stand back and stand by” during the first presidential debate. But my friend, like many young people in the black community, knows about Joe Biden’s history, which should repel far more black voters than Trump’s racially insensitive comments. I’m hardly the only black voter who feels this way. Biden’s policies have devastated the black community. The infamous 1994 crime bill, for example, which Biden authored, cost taxpayers $30 billion yet only reduced violent crime by 1.3 percent — and in the process, sent a shamefully high number of black youths to jail for marijuana crimes that some states have decriminalized. Or take Biden’s provision of a 1986 law that deemed crack cocaine significantly worse than powder cocaine. As a result, whites, who more often used powder cocaine, were treated with leniency, while blacks were disproportionately sent to prison for the same offenses. Given the choice before us, the best thing for the black community may be four more years of Trump. Why? Maybe then black voters will no longer be ignored and taken for granted by Democrats thereby making both parties work for their vote. It’s time to break the back of the Democratic Party and make its leaders actually address the issues that impact black lives. President Trump is not perfect. He has said things that have rightly upset black Americans. But he’s also uplifted the black community through policies like the First Step Act and opportunity zones. In fact, he’s been reaching out to the black community consistently since 2016, looking for ways to tackle issues such as rampant unemployment and prison sentencing disparities, while funding historically black colleges and universities — all of which Joe Biden could have addressed during his half-century in politics. I’ve never seen another president from either party invest so much energy into the black community. As a result, black people are listening. We see this in the polls. Trump’s support among young black voters (aged 18 to 44) has increased from around 10 percent in 2016 to 21 percent, according to UCLA Nationscape’s polling, and I believe the real percentage is even higher. Indeed, I’ve been watching closely on urban social media pages and seeing young African Americans post their support for Trump. Never before have I seen such widespread support among young African Americans for any Republican president. On a recent episode of my podcast, “Outloud with Gianno Caldwell,” football legend Herschel Walker expressed a similar sentiment. He said he gets many calls from players in the NFL who support Trump but cannot publicize their support out of fear of retribution. Polling data shows support for Trump trending upward among black and Hispanic men, many of whom are open to supporting an eager, enthusiastic president as they think the Democratic Party has taken them for granted. The black community has a genuine opportunity in this election. If enough blacks vote for Trump, the black vote will finally be competitive. Politicians will at long last actually care about producing positive results for the black community to woo black voters, rather than treating them as another box to check. The black vote hasn’t been competitive in decades, since Democrat Lyndon Johnson reportedly said, “I will have those n—ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” For five-plus decades, Republicans haven’t made a sincere effort to counter that monopolistic hubris — until Trump. We have an opportunity to force both parties to offer their best deals to black Americans and improve the black community in a way that has never happened before. It’s time to make the black vote competitive again. Gianno Caldwell is a Fox News Political Analyst, host of the podcast “Outloud with Gianno Caldwell” and author of “Taken for Granted: How Conservatism Can Win Back the Americans That Liberalism Failed.”
    • Animal Rights
  • US judge blocks TikTok ban, calls security threat ‘hypothetical’
    US judge blocks TikTok ban, calls security threat ‘hypothetical’ SOPA Images/LightRocket via Gett TikTok got yet another reprieve on Friday after a federal judge blocked a Trump administration ban which would have effectively shut down the Chinese-owned app in the US on Nov. 12. The Pennsylvania judge issued a preliminary injunction Friday that will stop US officials from restricting the popular video platform’s web hosting and content delivery after three TikTok users argued that it would stop them from being able to make a living. The judge wrote that because TikTok videos can be deemed “informational materials,” the president’s ban would stop the spread of the videos in addition to blocking “business-to-business transactions.” “[The ban] will have the effect of shutting down, within the United States, a platform for expressive activity used by approximately 700 million individuals globally,” the judge wrote. “Over 100 million of these TikTok users are within the United States, and at least 50 million of these US users use the app on a daily basis.” The judge added that “the Government’s own descriptions of the national security threat posed by the TikTok app are phrased in the hypothetical,” and that they “cannot say the risk presented by the Government outweighs the public interest” in keeping TikTok running. The government parties in the suit — which include President Trump, the Department of Commerce and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross — have argued that the TikTok’s parent company ByteDance has direct ties to officials in Beijing and could siphon personal information from American TikTok users that could then be used against the country. US officials couldn’t immediately be reached for comment about the Friday ruling.
    • Animal Rights
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