• 최종편집 2024-06-11(화)


  • Listed firms' earnings outlooks swing to upturn
    Listed firms' earnings outlooks swing to upturn SEOUL, June 8 (Yonhap) -- Earnings forecasts for South Korea's listed firms rebounded from a long downturn last week amid rising hopes for their possible exit from the coronavirus shock, a market tracker said Monday. Companies listed on the country's main stock market saw the average estimate of their earnings per share (EPS) for the next 12 months amount to 6,038 won (US$4.99) on Thursday, up 2.5 percent from the prior week, according to FnGuide. The increase in EPS, or a company's profit divided by its outstanding common shares, means brokerage houses have revised up their earnings forecasts. The 12-month EPS estimate has been on the skids since reaching 6,905 won on March 12, as the market has downgraded their outlooks due to rising concerns over the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. The coronavirus outbreak has led to widespread lockdowns, shuttered plants and dented consumer spending, touching off worries of a global economic recession. Analysts said the upturn in the EPS estimate points to growing expectations for a recovery in their profits down the road as economies reopen amid falling coronavirus cases and deaths. "Given the resumption of economic activity, the EPS estimate is expected to trend higher in coming months though it remains to be seen whether last week's reading is a temporary rally," Ha In-hwan, an analyst at Meritz Securities Co., said. Some watchers warned the rise in the EPS estimate could be limited unless corporate earnings take a turn for the better due to a delay in the recovery of the real economy. Asia's fourth-largest economy has been battered by the coronavirus outbreak after reporting its first confirmed case on Jan. 20. Its gross domestic product shrank 1.3 percent on-quarter in the January-March period on weak exports and consumer spending. It was the biggest on-quarter drop since a 3.3 percent fall in the last three months of 2008. The viral disease has so far infected nearly 11,800 people and claimed 273 lives here.(END)
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  • 속보Anti-S. Korean mass rally in N. Korea
    Anti-S. Korean mass rally in N. Korea North Korean workers and trade union members stage a mass rally in front of the Hall of Culture in the North Korean city of Kaesong on June 7, 2020, to denounce South Korean authorities and North Korean defectors for what they say are anti-North Korean acts, in this photo released by the North's official Korean Central News Agency on June 8. (For Use Only in the Republic of Korea. No Redistribution) (Yonhap)
    • Animal Rights
  • The South Korean Samsung protester living in the sky
    The South Korean Samsung protester living in the sky For nearly a year, 61-year-old Kim Yong-hee, has being living on a 20m high traffic tower in the centre of Seoul, South Korea. It’s the latest in a quarter-century of protests Mr Kim has made, fighting for workers’ rights at Samsung. Kim Yong-hee says he was fired by the global tech giant nearly 30 years ago, when he tried to form a trade union. He’s been protesting ever since and vows not to come down until the company improves workers’ rights. In a statement Samsung said: "The safety of Mr Kim is of our highest priority and we have engaged in negotiations. Contrary to certain allegations, Mr Kim was dismissed according to standing company regulations. Samsung regrets the current situation and is trying to resolve this issue.”
    • Animal Rights
  • 속보중국 바이오기업 시노백 “코로나 백신 효과 99% 자신”
    중국 바이오기업 시노백 “코로나 백신 효과 99% 자신” 중국 바이오기업인 시노백이 개발 중인 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 백신 후보물질에 자신감을 보였다. 시노백은 30일(현지시간) 영국 현지 언론과의 인터뷰에서 현재 개발 중인 코로나19 백신 후보물질 '코로나박(CoronaVac)'이 효과가 있을 것이라며 99% 자신한다고 밝혔다.시노백이 개발한 코로나19 백신은 붉은털 원숭이를 대상으로 진행했던 전임상 시험에서 백신을 투여받은 원숭이 모두 코로나19 감염을 예방했다. 지난 4월에는 건강한 성인 144명을 대상으로 안전성 및 면역 반응을 확인하기 위한 임상1상을 시작했다.5월 중순부터 시작된 임상2상 시험에는 현재 1000명이 넘는 사람들이 등록해 약효를 평가하고 있으며 결과는 7월 중 나올 것으로 보인다.시노백 측은 최종 임상 단계인 임상3상은 영국에서 수행하기 위해 현지 보건 당국과 논의중 이라고 밝혔다.시노백이 중국이 아닌 영국에서 임상3상을 추진하는 데는 현재 중국에서는 임상3상을 진행할 만큼의 코로나19 감염 환자를 구하기 힘들기 때문인 것으로 알려졌다. 헬렌 양 시노백 투자담당 이사는 "여러 유럽 국가들과 대화하고 있으며 영국 당국과도 논의했다"며 "현재는 본격적인 토론에 앞서 예비 논의단계"라고 언급했다.한편 중국에선 시노백 외에도 국영 제약사인 시노팜과 칸시노바이오로직스가 개발 중인 코로나19 백신 후보 물질이 임상시험에 들어간 것으로 나타났다.시노팜은 최근 2021년 초 상용화를 목표로 개발 중인 백신 2종이 국가약품감독관리국으로부터 임상시험을 승인 받았다.또한 칸시노 바이오로직스가 아데노바이러스 벡터를 활용해 개발 중인 유전자재조합 백신이 코로나19를 대상으로 한 임상1상에서 면역반응을 생성한 것이 확인됐다. 건강한 성인 108명을 대상으로 임상1상을 진행한 결과 고용량의 백신 후보물질을 투약한 36명 중 27명에서 중화항체 생성이 확인됐다. 저용량과 중간용량을 투약한 사람들도 절반 정도에서 중화항체가 나타났다.
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