• 최종편집 2024-06-02(일)


  • [단독외신 ] MYPINPAD The World’s First to Achieve PCI Accreditation for Contactless Payments on Mobile and Tablet
    [단독외신] MYPINPAD The World’s First to Achieve PCI Accreditation for Contactless Payments on Mobile and Tablet MYPINPAD, the global leader in secure personal authentication solutions is the first company in the world to achieve Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council (SSC) certification for its Android software-based Contactless Payments on Commercial off-the-shelf (CPoC) solution, enabling contactless payments on smart devices. As the first solution globally certified to accept contactless payments on these devices without requiring additional hardware, this significant step accelerates unparalleled possibilities in customer experience innovation for merchants and other businesses in the payments chain. Accreditation for MYPINPAD’s contactless payment solution follows the company’s recent PCI SSC SPoC certification for its software only PIN Entry solution for iOS and Android (PIN on mobile), also a global first. The combined capability of tap and PIN on smart mobile devices means a 100 percent software-based payments future. It enables all merchants globally to democratise payments with integrated, scalable digital customer experiences, replacing traditional POS terminals with smart mobile devices. This announcement is fantastic news for face to face retailers and service providers, creating access to a lower cost, highly secure PCI certified contactless solution. This is especially timely with contactless limits around the world being raised in response to COVID-19, which has seen cash usage reduced by half. With long-term effects of the pandemic uncertain, MYPINPAD is taking steps to help future proof retailers by creating a face-to-face payment system that is more flexible, safer, and available to businesses of all sizes. MYPINPAD’s goal is to help drive mobile device acceptance exponentially from 100 million currently to over 400 million by 2024. CEO of MYPINPAD, Colin Greene, commented: “With each new accreditation we get closer to the true democratisation of payment acceptance. This ultimately means more secure digital payment experiences for merchants and consumers worldwide. That’s why we are delighted to be the first company in the world to have achieved PCI certification for our contactless solution, especially after our recent announcement of being the first to achieve PCI accreditation for our PIN-entry software only solution on IOS and Android. By increasing access to lower cost, highly secure and innovative globally certified payment solutions for the industry and our partners, we promote both growth and financial inclusion.” Blake Rosenthal, Executive Vice President of Acceptance Solutions at Mastercard, adds; “Consumers and merchants are looking for fast, safe, and secure checkout experiences,” “MYPINPAD’s PCI accreditation is a key milestone to the growth, diversification, and scale of contactless payment solutions, increasing speed at checkout and reducing operational costs by eliminating all hardware accessories.” MYPINPAD’s solution is easily integrated into third party applications and delivered ‘As-a-Service’. It reduces cost across the entire face-to-face payment ecosystem by meeting PCI security standards through software updates alone. This relieves pain-points like the cost of traditional payment and POS hardware for smaller retailers, while serving larger retailers by significantly reducing maintenance, replacement costs of aging hardware-centric POS systems and improving CX with trusted and familiar devices.
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  • [단독외신] Allscripts and Microsoft Extend Strategic Alliance to Transform Cloud-Based Health IT Solutions
    [단독외신] Allscripts and Microsoft Extend Strategic Alliance to Transform Cloud-Based Health IT Solutions Today Allscripts (MDRX: NASDAQ) and Microsoft Corp. announced the extension of their long-standing strategic alliance to enable the expanded development and delivery of cloud-based health IT solutions. The five-year extension will support Allscripts’ cloud-based Sunrise™ electronic health record, making Microsoft the cloud provider for the solution and opening up co-innovation opportunities to help transform healthcare with smarter, more scalable technology. The alliance will enable Allscripts to harness the power of Microsoft’s platform and tools, including Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Teams and Power BI, creating a more seamless and highly productive user experience. Allscripts is an award-winning Microsoft partner with past recognitions including 2019 U.S. Healthcare Partner of the Year and 2017 Global Healthcare Partner of the Year (Public Sector), and most recently received Microsoft’s 2020 Health Innovation - Reimagine Healthcare award for its subsidiary 2bPrecise. Sunrise is an integrated EHR that connects all aspects of care, including acute, ambulatory, surgical, pharmacy, radiology and laboratory services including an integrated revenue cycle and patient administration system. Sunrise is a clinician-friendly, evidence-based single platform with integrated analytics that helps deliver better health outcomes in hospitals around the world. Cloud-based Sunrise will offer many added benefits beyond the on-premise version that will improve organizational effectiveness, solution interoperability, clinician ease of use and an improved patient experience. Client benefits include a subscription model delivering faster implementations and lower annual upgrade costs, helping organizations leverage the software without increasing burdens on their internal IT resources. The cloud-based Sunrise solution will provide enhanced security, scalability and flexibility, as well as the opportunity to add new capabilities quickly as business needs and the cloud evolve. The cloud-based solution will also include expanded analytics and insights functionality that can quickly engage with the Internet of Things. Finally, the cloud-based Sunrise solution will include a marketplace that enables healthcare apps and third parties to easily integrate with a hospital EHR. Allscripts clients will begin to see these updates by the end of 2020. “The COVID-19 pandemic will forever change how healthcare is delivered, and provider organizations around the world must ensure they are powered by innovative, interoperable, comprehensive and lower-cost IT solutions that meet the demands of our new normal,” said Allscripts Chief Executive Officer Paul Black. “Healthcare delivery is no longer defined by location—providers need to have the capability to reach patients where they are to truly deliver the care they require. Cloud solutions, mobile options, telehealth functionality—these are the foundational tools for not just the future of healthcare, but the present. Collaborating with Microsoft, the leader in the public cloud sector, we will efficiently deliver the tools caregivers need to improve the clinical outcomes of their patients and operational performance of their organizations.” “Through our strategic alliance with Allscripts, we aspire to be a transformational force in the healthcare industry, delivering smarter, innovative solutions that power the essential human connections of care delivery and create a healthier future for patients worldwide,” said Microsoft vice president of US Health and Life Sciences Patty Obermaier. “At Microsoft, we believe the future of healthcare is an interoperable one, where cloud-enabled solutions will be critical in putting patients fully in charge of their own healthcare information. With this collaboration, Allscripts is working to make that future a reality.”
    • Animal Rights
  • [단도] HD 메디컬, HD 스테스의 FDA 허가 획득
    [단독] HD 메디컬, HD 스테스의 FDA 허가 획득 실리콘밸리의 HD 메디컬(HD Medical, Inc.)이 자사의 대표 제품인 HD 스테스(HD Steth)가 전자청진기(Electronic Stethoscope), 심장음기록기(Phonocardiograph), 심전계(Electrocardiograph)가 한 기기에 통합된 제품으로 FDA로부터 DQD, DQC, DPS 세 가지 제품 분류 코드로 허가(FDA clearance)를 받았다고 발표했다. HD 스테스는 첨단 AI 기술을 활용해 진료 시 더욱 향상된 심장 평가를 수행해 시간을 절약하고 생명을 살릴 수 있게 지원한다. 미시간주 플린트에서 심혈관 질환(Cardiovascular Disease)을 전문으로 하는 에티라즈 라즈(Ethiraj Raj) 박사는 “HD 스테스가 제공하는 심장음의 품질과 강도는 놀라울 정도이며 청진기를 사용해온 40년 기간 중 최고로 인상적인 음질 향상을 제공한다”며 “소리를 증폭할 수 있고 심장음과 심전도를 동시에 실시간으로 시각화할 수 있는 점도 특별하다. 이는 심장 청진의 패러다임을 바꾸는 사건이며 의사, 강사 및 의대 학생들에게 혁명과 같은 경험을 제공할 것이다. 이 모든 센서를 통합해 놀라운 기계를 만들어낸 HD 메디컬 팀에게 찬사를 보낸다. 이 기기는 앞으로 의료진은 물론 환자들에게도 이익이 될 것이다. 정말로 대단한 기술의 도약”이라고 말했다. 메디컬의 주요 투자자인 맥심 벤처스(Maxim Ventures)의 샤일렌드라 마하잔(Shailendra Mahajan) 이사회 옵저버 겸 전무이사는 “HD 스테스는 청진기로는 유일하게 첨단 신호 처리 및 인텔리전스를 위해 기기에 4개의 강력한 마이크로프로세서를 장착하고서도 청진기의 편리한 폼 팩터를 유지한다”며 “맥심 인터그레이티드 프로덕트(Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.)(나스닥: MXIM)의 부품 및 센서를 통해 전력 소비와 정확성을 개선할 수 있었다. 이러한 기술의 결합으로 시장의 경쟁제품에 비해 탁월한 이점을 제공한다”고 말했다. 아빈트 티아가라얀(Arvind Thiagarajan) HD 메디컬 설립자 겸 CEO는 “지난 한 해 동안 HD 메디컬은 인도에서 HD 스테스를 사용해 5만여명의 어린이들을 대상으로 다중 선별 검사를 실시했으며 결과적으로 많은 생명을 살릴 수 있었다. HD 메디컬은 국내 수의사들뿐 아니라 전 세계 의료진 및 기관에 성공적으로 판매되고 있다. HD 메디컬은 이제 미국과 FDA가 지정한 세계 시장에서 HD 스테스를 판매할 수 있다”고 말했다. 이어서 의료 커뮤니티에 하이 피델리티 디지털 ‘HD’ 사운드 및 즉각적인 시각화 기능을 소개하면서 “이 중요한 시기에 가장 지능적인 청진기가 FDA 허가를 받았다. 코로나19 팬데믹으로 어려움을 겪는 시기에 HD 스테스는 일선 의료진들이 진료 중에 비정상적인 심장과 폐 소리를 발견하는 데 큰 도움을 줄 것”이라고 말했다.
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  • [단독외신] Bentley Systems’ Acceleration Fund Announces Launch of The Cohesive Companies, Advancing
    [단독외신] Bentley Systems’ Acceleration Fund Announces Launch of The Cohesive Companies, Advancing
    • Animal Rights
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