Signing a strategic alliance with KOFA (G-CEO) and the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Korea (DBCK) for social contribution

입력 : 2025.03.04 01:09
이메일 글자확대 글자축소 스크랩

- Organizing joint golf events and joint events for network expansion exchanges between member companies
- Cooperation with the government's employment departments to boost youth employment
- Cooperation with the Seoul Investment Agency and local government's investment promotion departments to promote the attraction of foreign-invested companies



From left, DBCK Secretary-General Robert, DBCK Chairman Andreas, KOFA Standing Representative Kim Jong-cheol, KOFA Secretary-GeneralSong In-sun
(Photo: (KOFA)


KOFA (CEO Kim Jong-chul) announced that it has signed a strategic alliance with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Korea (DBCK) and G-CEO (Chairman, President Lee Seung-soo of Infineon Korea) to attract investment and contribute to society.


The two organizations decided to organize joint golf events and joint wine events to expand the network between member companies.

In addition, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Ministry of Employment and Labor, and the Seoul Metropolitan Government will cooperate with the government's employment departments to promote youth employment

In order to revitalize the attraction of foreign-invested companies, it was decided to expand exchanges with the Seoul Investment Office and the investment attraction departments of each local government.


It will also co-host a symposium with Street To Home, a public interest corporation, to share advanced cases of the Netherlands, an animal welfare state without abandoned dogs.


Meanwhile, KOFA, an association of foreign companies in Korea, was established in 1999, and 600 companies are affiliated with corporate members such as KOFA GCEO and KOFA HR and foreign companies in their personal capacity.

In addition, the KOFA CHAMBER, which is under the jurisdiction of Seoul Metropolitan Government, is forming a strategic alliance with foreign business chambers operating in Korea, such as the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Korea and the Indian Chamber of Commerce in Korea.



Left, DBCK Chairman Andreas and right KOFA Standing Representative Kim Jong-cheol  (Photo: (KOFA)

Introduction to KOFA

Korea Foreign Enterprise Association [KOFA] is a commerce chamber of foreign enterprises in Korea that was established in October 1999 as a community. KOFA operates two non-profit corporations under its umbrella. 

KOFA Global Enterprise CEO Association [KOFA GCEO] is an organization composed of CEOs of foreign enterprises in Korea and is under the supervision of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

Korea Foreign Enterprise HR Association [KOFA HR] is an organization composed of HR executives and team leaders of foreign enterprises in Korea and is under the supervision of the Ministry of Employment and Labor.


KOFA currently has a network of about 600 member companies and serves as a close communication channel with the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Ministry of Employment and Labor, and local government organizations such as Seoul and Gyeonggi-do.


It also serves as a bridge between managers of foreign investment companies and the government by providing management information on more than 17,000 foreign investment companies in Korea and conducting various surveys and research & investigation.

In addition, every year, it has been co-organizing campus recruitment by university and foreign investment company and global enterprise job fairs to promote youth employment in cooperation with universities in Seoul and other regions of the country.


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Signing a strategic alliance with KOFA (G-CEO) and the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Korea (DBCK) for social contribution
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