[단독기획기사] The 2020 white paper on foreign companies in Korea, the average annual salary of Korea Country Managers is more than 300 million won, and the average annual salary of new college graduates is 35 million won.

입력 : 2020.08.07 19:11
이메일 글자확대 글자축소 스크랩


The 2020 white paper on foreign companies in Korea, the average annual salary of Korea Country Managers is more than 300 million won, and the average annual salary of new college graduates is 35 million won. 


2020년도 주한외국기업 급여 및 복리후생 조사결과.png



KOFA , The Korea Foreign Enterprise Association  [CEO, Kim Jong-cheol,54 ] published the results of its survey on salary and benefits of foreign companies in Korea conducted in April this year.

The survey was conducted on 2,000 foreign companies in Korea and 135  companies responded.












The average annual salary of the country manager  was more than 300 million won (28.68 percent), and it seems to be a slight increase from 250 million won in 2019.

The average annual salary of executive-level officers (full-time, executive and director) was 100 to 150 million won (38.71 percent). The average annual salary of the manager and team leader is 70 to 90 million won (54.84%),The deputy manager's salary is 50 to 70 million won (70.97 percent),Working-level officials ranged from 35 million won to 45 million won (70.97 percent),

New college graduates entry level ranged from 30 million won to 35 million won (45.16 percent). 






In the survey, the offices of foreign companies were located in Seoul (71.32 percent) and Gyeonggi (20.59 percent), almost all of which were located in the Seoul metropolitan area.

47.06% of companies with fewer than 50 employees,Most foreign companies that have entered Korea are small and medium-sized enterprises  and Only 21.32% of companies with 100 to 300 employees and 11.76% of companies with more than 1,000 employees.








In the form of entry into Korea, 43.38 percent of them were independent assets, 30.15 percent were branches, 17.65 percent were representative offices, and 8.82 percent were joint ventures.

and less than 30 billion won in sales amount in Korea was 48.53 percent, and over 100 billion won was 30.88 percent In 2019.

The industrial classification was manufacturing (30.15%) and wholesale and retail (29.41%), with the manufacturing and wholesale and retail industries mainly entering Korea and Only 13.97 percent of the specialized science and technology sector.

The detailed survey presentation data will be published around August and The title of the booklet is "2020 Korea Foreign enterprise White Paper." 



Secretary-General - Mr. Ryu Sung-hyun  [47, Law Firm Lee & Ko, National Tax Partner Attorney] said the booklet will be distributed free of charge to regular members through a booklet containing the status of 2,000 foreign companies in Korea (mutual, representative, recent sales, number of employees, addresses, business license numbers, etc.) along with the results of the survey. In addition, he said it will also provide E Book and video animation special lectures, considering the difficulties of offline presentations due to Corona 19.


KOFA is an association of foreign companies in Korea established in 1999. 

Corporate members such as [G-CEO] ,Global Enterprise CEO`s Association under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and [KOFEN HR] The Korea Foreign Entreprise HR Management Association and individuals office workers who working for foreign companies in Korea.



김희제 기자 kimhj@gen.or.kr
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[단독기획기사] The 2020 white paper on foreign companies in Korea, the average annual salary of Korea Country Managers is more than 300 million won, and the average annual salary of new college graduates is 35 million won.
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