The first ever fundraising Marathon at Tancheon 2024

입력 : 2024.03.13 15:02
이메일 글자확대 글자축소 스크랩

On the morning of April 28, Street to Home, an incorporated association, is proud to announce it is holding its first ever fundraising Marathon at Tancheon 2024 to help address the increase in abandoned animals and improve animal awareness in society.

Street to Home, is a global animal awareness improvement organization established by the Korea Foreign Enterprise Association (KOFA) to protect abandoned animals and animal rights at the ESG level in order to realize true respect for animal life.



In addition to rescue activities for abandoned animals, we are carrying out various activities to find solutions to the increase in abandoned animals, which is fundamentally a social problem.

By correcting misconceptions about animals and providing positive exposure, we are striving to spread positive influence by carrying out educational projects and campaigns, including animal rights law changing endeavors.

Alicia In-seon Song is the general secretary of KOFA and the chairman of the board of directors of the Street to Home Corporation.

Alicia In-seon Song was the head of Korea for a global company for an extensive term before she dedicated herself to the important endeavor of protecting innocent animal life.  For the past five years, she has been actively participating in animal rights activities as a volunteer, and has now taken the lead in protecting animal rights in earnest.

All participation funds collected from the donation marathon will be used towards neuter surgery and heartworm treatment for Street to Home rescue dogs and cats, as well as purchasing/donating food to organizations that provide care for large numbers of rescue dogs and rescue cats, but are having difficulty raising funds and operating because of their lack of exposure.  Participation recruitment will be ongoing until March 31st, and participation applications can be made through the Google form in the below link.

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© GEN - 주한외국기업뉴스 & 무단전재-재배포금지



많이 본 기사

  1. 1KOFA 2024년 외국계기업 급여조사결과 포함한 주한외국기업백서발간
  2. 2제4차 한국형 양자 광장 만남 (K-퀀텀 스퀘어 미팅) 개최
  3. 3법무부, 모바일 외국인등록증 발급
  4. 4혁신기술로 4년 연속 CES 빛낸 서울시 캠퍼스타운…역대 최다 혁신상 7개 수상
  5. 5해외건설 누적수주 1조 달러 달성
  6. 6미국 연방·주 정부 및 의회와 한-미 간 산업·에너지·통상 협력 강화 논의
  7. 7주민등록번호 유출과 안전조치 의무 위반한 법원행정처 제재
  8. 8한-아세안 메탄 감축 협력 사업 출범
  9. 9산업부, 산업단지 중심으로 초광역 산업클러스터 출범
  10. 10산업통상자원부 무역위, 스테인리스스틸 후판 잠정 덤핑방지관세 부과
The first ever fundraising Marathon at Tancheon 2024
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