Football for Friendship achieves new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS(TM) title for the most visitors at a virtual stadium

입력 : 2021.05.31 10:36
이메일 글자확대 글자축소

MOSCOW, May 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, during the live broadcast of the Football for Friendship Grand Final, the official adjudicator Joanne Brent confirmed that the Gazprom International Children's Social Programme Football for Friendship achieved its 3rd GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title. The successful record attempt took place on May 26th and officially announced and confirmed on the occasion of the Grand Final of the Ninth Season of the programme on 29th May.

F4F obtains new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS(TM) title
F4F obtains new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS(TM) title

On 26th May, the project Football for Friendship (F4F) achieved a new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title for the highest number of simultaneous visitors to a virtual stadium. Users of the multiplayer simulator "Football for Friendship World" (F4F World) from over 200 countries took part in this world record attempt.

In the run-up to the record attempt, the Global Ambassador for F4F, the Brazilian football legend Roberto Carlos, reached out to everyone: "Let us all become part of a major event. We are all participants in Gazprom's F4F programme. We will get this record!" There was also support from the Russian football champions Yevgeni Aldonin and Dimitri Sennikov, the Russian footballer of the year (2004) Dmitri Sychev and the ambassador for Russian women's football Elena Ryshkova. Russian TikTok stars twins Katya and Nastya together with Kirill Kolesnikov were present as well.

The multiplayer simulator F4F World was specially developed for F4F in 2020. International team matches can be organised on this platform in real time. From 24th May 2021 onwards, the 2021 "Football for Friendship eWorld Championship" with a total of 32 teams, and players from over 200 countries, was contested.

Football for Friendship already holds two GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ titles. In 2019, F4F achieved a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title for the most nationalities at a football training session. On 5th December 2020, a new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title was achieved in the course of the closing events of the 8th season of F4F for an online training session with the most participants.

About Football for Friendship

F4F has existed since 2013. It is organised by Gazprom and supported by FIFA, UEFA and the United Nations. Over the previous eight seasons, more than 15,000 children and young people from 211 countries and regions have taken part in the programme.

Programme's official internet resources:
Photo and video materials for media: 


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Football for Friendship achieves new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS(TM) title for the most visitors at a virtual stadium
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