Yakima Chief Hops Releases New Product to Bring True Hop Aroma to Beers Across the Globe

입력 : 2021.05.11 22:01
이메일 글자확대 글자축소

YAKIMA, Wash., May 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Yakima Chief Hops (YCH), a grower owned global hop supplier, is yet again taking aromatic beers to a new level with their latest product launch – Cryo Pop™ Original Blend. Celebrating four years since the release of their advanced product line, Cryo Hops®, this hop blend uses groundbreaking research to solve the common brewing problem of how to carry raw hop aroma into finished beers.

Global hop supplier Yakima Chief Hops has officially launched their newest product – Cryo Pop™ Original Blend. Using cutting-edge lab analysis to study previously undetectable aromatic components of a hop, they have engineered a supercharged pellet blend of beer soluble compounds to deliver massive tropical, stone fruit, and citrus aromas in finished beers. Visit cryopopblend.com for more information.
Global hop supplier Yakima Chief Hops has officially launched their newest product – Cryo Pop™ Original Blend. Using cutting-edge lab analysis to study previously undetectable aromatic components of a hop, they have engineered a supercharged pellet blend of beer soluble compounds to deliver massive tropical, stone fruit, and citrus aromas in finished beers. Visit cryopopblend.com for more information.

In 2017, YCH launched a line of innovative hop products known as Cryo Hops® using a cryogenic hop-processing technology that separates whole cones into two components—concentrated lupulin and bract. These concentrated lupulin pellets provide brewers with maximum aroma impact while reducing the negative effects experienced with brewing hoppy beers. The Cryo Hops® brand has since been recognized on beer labels worldwide.  

YCH has combined this novel process with cutting-edge hop lab analysis techniques to create Cryo Pop™ Original Blend, formerly known as trial blend TRI 2304CR. The YCH R&D facility houses one of the only labs in the world with the capability to analyze hops via GC-QTOF and GC-SCD technology and study previously undetectable aromatic components.

The data is utilized to engineer a hop pellet that contains high concentrations of the most beer-soluble compounds, or compounds that survive the brewing process. The result is a supercharged pellet that provides brewers with a dynamic solution for juicy, fruit-forward, highly aromatic applications, showing massive tropical, stone fruit, and citrus aromas. 

"The research behind Cryo Pop is revolutionary," said Spencer Tielkemeier, YCH's East Division Sales Lead and a member of the Brewing Innovations team. "It helps brewers harness a practical understanding of how beer-soluble compounds make an impact in the finished product."

Cryo Pop™ Original Blend is available to both commercial and homebrewers via shop.yakimachief.com. Visit cryopopblend.com for more information.

Yakima Chief Hops

YCH is a 100% grower-owned global hop supplier with a mission to connect brewers with family hop farms. Operating for more than 30 years, we have become more than a hop supplier. We are leaders of innovation, quality and customer service. We are a resource for brewers, providing solutions-based products and industry leading research. We are advocates of sustainability and meaningful social causes, working to support the environment and communities around us. https://www.yakimachief.com/

Photo - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/1507504/cryo_pop.jpg?p=medium600
Logo - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/1016498/Yakima_Chief_Logo.jpg?p=medium600

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Yakima Chief Hops Releases New Product to Bring True Hop Aroma to Beers Across the Globe
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